Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was recently papped as he reached his Mumbai house on Tuesday after getting discharged from Lilavati hospital. The actor was stabbed six times during a scuffle when an intruder broke into their Bandra house on January 15. The security of the building and his personal team were questioned. Now, reportedly Saif has now decided to employ the services of actor Ronit Roy’s security firm.
As per a report in Hindustan Times, Roy refused to divulge details on the kind of security cover provided to Khan. He said, ‘We are already here with Saif. He is doing fine now, and has come back’.
Watch Saif Ali Khan’s video
In a new video shared by a paparazzo outside the actor’s Bandra residence, two men were seen entering through the security gate beside the main gate. They said that they were there for security reasons and to examine the area. Meanwhile, new CCTV cameras were also installed at Saif and Kareena’s house after the attack. Two men were seen installing CCTV cameras on the balcony of Saif’s house. A man was seen climbing on the condenser of the air conditioner to reach the ceiling for installation cameras.
Watch Ronit Roy’s video
Well, Khan was in the hospital for five days and was operated on. The accused in this case has been arrested by the Mumbai Police. The robber tried to mislead investigators by claiming that he is a Kolkata resident. Later, it was revealed that he was from Bangladesh.
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