India’s leg-spinner, Yuzvendra Chahal and his wife Dhanashree Verma have been headlines for all the wrong reasons. As per rumors, the couple who married in December 2020 are heading for a divorce. While the couple has not issued any statement confirming or denying the same, there are reports that claim that Dhanashree has also deleted her wedding pictures from Instagram. Well, this is not the case as Dhanashree still has her wedding pictures with Yuzvendra Chahal on her Instagram handle. However, Chahal removed all pictures with Dhanashree from social media and he even shared a cryptic story on Instagram.
He wrote, ‘Hard work spotlights the character of people. You know your journey. You know your pain. You know what all you have done to reach here. The world knows. You stand tall. You have worked with all your sweat to make your father and your mother proud. Keep standing tall like a proud son always’.
A look at Yuzvendra Chahal’s post
Yuzvendra Chahal’s Instagram story.
— Mufaddal Vohra (@mufaddal_vohra) January 4, 2025
As per rumours, the divorce rumours about the couple gained a lot of attention on Saturday after the two unfollowed each other on social media. As oer, some reports quoted people close to them as claiming that divorce is inevitable because of irrevocable differences.
Chahal got engaged to Dhanashree, a YouTuber, dance choreographer, and dentist on August 8, 2020. The two fell in love when Chahal signed up for Dhanashree’s YouTube dance classes. They spent time together and developed a strong bond. The head over heels in love couple tied the knot in a private ceremony on December 22, 2020, in Gurgaon.
The buzz began when Dhanashree removed her surname Chahal from her Instagram handle in 2022. Dhanashree had earlier participated in the dance-based reality show Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa season 11.
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