Kamal Haasan is one of the biggest names in the Indian film industry. The actor now holds the status of a ‘legend’ thanks to his exemplary work. Not just in South, Kamal Haasan has worked in some of the biggest films in Bollywood as well. He has two daughters Shruti Haasan and Akshara Haasan. Both have ventured into film industry as actors. Being Father’s Day, Shruti Haasan recently spoke about directing a biopic on father Kamal Haasan.
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In a conversation with Hindustan Times, Shruti Haasan revealed that it was because of her dad Kamal Haasan that she got motivated to become a director. She stated that she considered him to be He-Man. Shruti recalled that once she went to a set and saw her father listening to his director. And wondered who is this man who got her father to act like he was in a classroom. That’s when she thought that directing was a cool job and got motivated. Further, she was asked whether she would direct Kamal Haasan’s biopic, Shruti Haasan said ‘Definitely not.’ She even gave her reason. The actress was quoted saying, “It would be extremely biased from my side if I were to ever make a film on dad’s life. Also, I think there are more well-equipped storytellers who’ll do justice to his story.”
It was recently that Shruti Haasan paid tribute to Kamal Haasan over a jamming session with him. The daughter-father duo had some heartfelt conversations whilst singing some of his top songs from his career.
Here’s a short video on Shruti Haasan
Shruti Haasan has been in the news of late for her alleged breakup with boyfriend Shantanu Hazarika. They were reportedly dating for 4 years but their relationship hit rock bottom and they decided to part ways. Reports suggest that it was because of ‘unresolved personal differences’ that Shruti and Shantanu chose to call it quits. The actress hasn’t openly spoken about it as yet.
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