1 Club; 2 Brag; 3 Gift; 4 Teal; 5 Lift; 6 Tsar; 7 Roam; 8 Mist; 9 Tutu; 10 Ulna; 11 Avid; 12 Dues; 13 Stew; 14 Wars; 15 Skip; 16 Pier. MEERKAT
1 Neil Simon; 2 Nepal; 3 John Cleese; 4 Philadelphia; 5 Diamonds; 6 Kosher; 7 Youth Hostels Association; 8 Afghanistan; 9 Beau Geste; 10 Vegans.
Across: 1 Crossroads; 7 Roost; 8 Locusts; 10 Preserve; 11 Opal; 13 Privet; 15 Sponge; 17 Palm; 18 Stickers; 21 Rampage; 22 Fused; 23 Economical.
Down: 1 Clove; 2 On the set; 3 Saliva; 4 Once; 5 Dustpan; 6 Graph paper; 9 Silverside; 12 Specific; 14 Islamic; 16 Stream; 19 Easel; 20 Pain.
Across: 1 Shoal; 6 Smack; 9 Biretta; 10 Crest; 11 Rifle; 12 Colin; 13 Horizon; 15 Gas; 17 Oral; 18 Tenure; 19 Spoor; 20 Edible; 22 Stye; 24 Red; 25 Festoon; 26 Snail; 27 Fated; 28 Kinds; 29 Mermaid; 30 Astir; 31 Tears.
Down: 2 Horror; 3 Abseil; 4 Lit; 5 Lemon; 6 Striker; 7 Main; 8 Cellar; 12 Coupe; 13 Hover; 14 Rapid; 15 Gusto; 16 Seven; 18 Towel; 19 Slender; 21 Delays; 22 Stride; 23 Yonder; 25 Films; 26 Semi; 28 Kit.
Across: 1 Sacks, 4 Techos, 9 Trafico, 10 Petal, 11 Nine, 12 Lenteja, 13 Cod, 14 Dedo, 16 Alta, 18 Bus, 20 Líquido, 21 Foto, 24 Spice, 25 English, 26 Travel, 27 Shops.
Down: 1 Sotano, 2 Chain, 3 Sail, 5 Esponjas, 6 Hottest, 7 Saltar, 8 Mould, 13 Cojinete, 15 Esquina, 17 Closet, 18 Boxeo, 19 Noches, 22 Olivo, 23 Eggs.
balm, beam, bema, dame, deem, lamb, lame, made, male, malt, mate, matt, mead, meal, meat, meed, meet, meld, melt, mete, tame, team, teem, amble, blame, edema, embed, lamed, mated, matte, medal, metal, meted, tamed, ambled, beamed, bedlam, beldam, blamed, lambed, malted, matted, melted, mettle, teamed, beldame, metaled, embattle, EMBATTLED.
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