Pushpa 2: The Rule was released in theatres in December last year. The screening of the Allu Arjun starrer was held in Hyderabad on December 4 at the Sandhya Theatre. Sadly, the event turned into a tragedy due to a stampede, which led to a woman’s death and her 9-year-old son being heavily injured. Since then, questions have been raised on safety during such big events, which lead to mass gatherings of crowds.
Today, the Telangana High Court has imposed some strict rules that the theatres have to follow from now onwards. The court hearing was about the surge in ticket prices and the incident that led to death. The HC said that cinemas should not allow children below 16 in theatres before and after 11 pm.
The decision was taken by Justice Vijaysen Reddy. According to Reddy, children below 16 should not watch movies in theatres before and after 11 pm. The Judge mentioned, “As per Licence Condition 12(43) in Form B Licence for Cinematograph Exhibition under the AP Cinema (Regulations) Rules, 1970, the licensee (theatre management) shall not allow any performance or exhibit any film by means of a cinematograph before 8:40 am or after 1:30 am. Children should not be permitted to watch movies during early hours and also during late nights.”
Meanwhile, Allu Arjun was also arrested last month due to the stampede incident. He had to spend a night in jail and was interrogated for hours. While the Pushpa 2 actor was out on bail, there were some people who pelted stones at his residence in Hyderabad. On the other hand, Allu Arjun, his father Allu Aravind and Pushpa 2 director Sukumaran have decided to support the stampede victim’s family in every possible way.
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