Anupamaa TV serial starring Rupali Ganguly in the lead is witnessing show cast changes. After Alisha Parveen’s ouster from the show, Adrija Roy was brought in to play the new Rahi. Her entry received a mixed reaction from fans. Shivam Khajuria plays Prem in the show. Now, in Anupamaa, fans will get to see a few more new faces. Prem’s rich family is going to mark an entry. Actor Rahil Azam is going to play Prem’s father in Anupamaa. In a recent interview, Rahil Azam shared his excitement and more.
Rahil Azam is excited to be a part of Anupamaa show
In an interview with entertainment news section of Times of India, Rahil Azam revealed that after a long time he is going to be a part of a social drama. He shared that he always opted to do adventurous roles involving a bit of action but he has made an exception for Anupamaa. “The role is different because it focusses on the relationship between a father and son. It is a strong and powerful role and that’s why I chose to be part of it,” he added.
Further, Rahil Azam also shared why it is ‘ironical’ for him to be a part of Anupamaa. Explaining, he said, “It is ironical, how when I was shooting for Dheere Dheere Se, a year go, the set was located just next to Anupamaa set but I never thought I will get a chance to be part of this show. It is interesting how things change and happen in you life.”
Apart from Rahil Azam, we shall also see stars like Zalak Desai and Alka Kaushal entering Anupamaa. Sheersha Tiwari will be seen as Prem’s sister. Zalak Desai will be seen as Prem’s mother. It will turn out that Prem, who never spoke about his family, has a big family that also includes Moti Baa.
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