Mirzapur 3 features Pankaj Tripathi and Ali Fazal in lead roles and will be released on Amazon Prime Video in July 2024. The makers released the teaser on the streaming platform and fans could not stay calm. The teaser video shows a politician enjoying a mango. Well, the makers teased as they gave major hints about the release date. They captioned it as, ‘Had we offered a mango, you’d have some faith by now!’
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Mirzapur 3 will be premiering on Amazon Prime Video starting July 5, 2024. Set in Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, the series is about a businessman who is entrenched in the mafia and is into the carpet export business. Fans are eagerly waiting for the highly awaited Mirzapur season 3 to start airing.
Mirzapur 3 trailer to be out soon
Mirzapur 3 is directed by Gurmeet Singh and Anand Iyer, and produced by Excel Entertainment. The upcoming season promises to be more gruesome than the earlier two seasons. Makers of Mirzapur 3 have added exciting twists and turns to their web series. The stellar cast includes Pankaj Tripathi, Ali Fazal, Shweta Tripathi Sharma, Rasika Dugal, Harshita Gaur, Vijay Varma, Anjum Sharma, Sheeba Chadha, and Rajesh Tailang in main roles.
As per industry sources, Mirzapur season 3 will have new characters that will change the dynamics of the story. Moreover, old characters who are not expected to return might add drama to the season.
Watch the exclusive interview of Panchayat 3 team:
Actor Divyendu responded to netizens theories about Munna Bhaiya’s return and said that he is not part of season 3. Well, Mirzapur became an overnight sensation and was released in 2018. This crime action-thriller show created for Amazon Prime Video grabbed a lot of attention.
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