Saif Ali Khan is currently ruling the headlines. The incident of an intruder injuring the actor left everyone shocked. Latest reports suggested that the police has detained a man in the case and investigation is on. Visuals of a man being taken in for questioning also went viral. However, the latest update in the case states that the man brought in by Bandra Police is not related to Saif Ali Khan’s attack case.
As per a post made by news agency ANI, the Mumbai Police hasn’t detained any one as yet in Saif Ali Khan’s attack case. The post reads, “The person brought to Bandra police station for questioning is not related to the Saif Ali Khan Attack Case. No one is detained in Saif Ali Khan Attack Case of now.”
Saif Ali Khan Attack Case | The person brought to Bandra police station for questioning is not related to the Saif Ali Khan Attack Case. No one is detained in Saif Ali Khan Attack Case of now: Mumbai police
— ANI (@ANI) January 17, 2025
Earlier, the visuals of the alleged attacker entering and exiting Saif Ali Khan‘s building went viral on social media. The visuals showed a lean man, covering his face with a mask, climbing up the stairs in the building of Saif Ali Khan.
Saif Ali Khan’s latest health update
The incident took place in the wee hours of Thursday morning. The doctors at Lilavati Hospital, in a press conference held today, stated that Saif Ali Khan came to the hospital along with his little son Taimur. He was soaked in blood but he walked-in and did not even take help of a stretcher. He is recovering well and will be shifted to a special room from the ICU. A picture of the knife removed from Saif’s body also went viral on social media.
SHOCKING: Piece of Hexa Blade?? removed from Saif Ali Khan body.
— Manobala Vijayabalan (@ManobalaV) January 17, 2025
Reportedly, Saif Ali Khan was stabbed six times by the intruder leading to several injured. Doctor Nitin Dange addressed the media on January 16 and revealed that the actor sustained a major injury to his thoracic spinal cord. “A surgery was performed to remove the knife and repair leaking spinal fluid. Two other deep wounds on his left hand and one other on his neck were repaired by the plastic surgery team,” he said. Reports further state that a 2.5 inch piece of knife was removed from actor’s spinal cord.
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