Former actress Mamta Kulkarni recently hit headlines as she got appointed ‘Mahamandaleshwar’ of Kinnar Akhara. The actress visited Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj where she met Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Laxmi Narayan Tripathi. The actress announced that she has renounced worldly pleasures and is on the path to become a saint. Now, latest reports state that Mamta Kulkarni has been expelled from her position of Mahamandaleshwar. Reportedly, activist Laxmi Narayan Tripathi has also been expelled by Kinnar Akhara.
As per reports, Rishi Ajay Das, founder of Kinnar Akhara, has expelled Laxmi Narayan and Mamta Kulkarni. The copy of the announcement of their expulsion has made its way to the internet. As per a post made by news agency ANI, Laxminarayan Tripathi has been expelled from the Kinnar Akhara for ‘inducting Mamta Kulkarni, who is accused of treason, to the Akhara and designating her as Mahamandaleshwar without his knowledge.’
Check out the post below:
Rishi Ajay Das, founder of Kinnar Akhara, expels Mamta Kulkarni from the Akhara. He has also expelled Mahamandaleshwar Laxminarayan Tripathi from the Kinnar Akhara for inducting Mamta Kulkarni, who is accused of treason, to the Akhara and designating her as Mahamandaleshwar…
— ANI (@ANI) January 31, 2025
Earlier, in an interaction with media, Laxmi Narayan had spoken about Mamta Kulkarni being in touch with her and the process of becoming Mahamandleshwar. “Kinnar akhada is going to make Mamta Kulkarni (former Bollywood actress) a Mahamandleshwar. She has been named as Shri Yamai Mamta Nandgiri. As I am talking here, all the rituals are underway. She has been in touch with Kinnar Akhada and me for the last one and a half years. She is allowed to perform the character of any devotional figure if she wants as we do not prohibit anyone from performing their art,” Laxmi Narayan said.
Mamta Kulkarni is best known for her roles in films like Karan Arjun, Baazi, China Gate and more. Later, the actress’ name got embroiled in a high-profile drug trafficking case in 2016. Her name was also linked to drug lord Vicky Goswami.
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