Kareena Kapoor Khan has been frequently visiting Lilavati Hospital to check on husband Saif Ali Khan. The Omkar actor suffered severe injuries after an intruder stabbed him with a knife. On January 16, an intruder entered Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s home in Bandra. He reportedly demanded a ransom of R 1 crore and as Saif tried to protect his family, he stabbed the actor. Saif was then rushed to Lilavati Hospital where he underwent surgery. Kareena Kapoor Khan, Saif’s daughter Sara Ali Khan are now among the frequent visitors.
A video surfaced on web this evening that sees Kareena Kapoor Khan and Sara Ali Khan exiting Lilavati Hospital. Karisma Kapoor can also be seen in the video. Kareena hugs Sara before they exit the hospital and leave for home in different cars. Kareena can be seen dressed in grey t-shirt and baggy pants. Karisma Kapoor and Sara Ali Khan too were dressed in jeans and t-shirt.
Watch Kareena Kapoor Khan, Karisma Kapoor and Sara Ali Khan’s video below:
Saif Ali Khan’s health update
Yesterday, the doctors of Lilavati Hospital had shared an health update of Saif Ali Khan. They revealed that the actor is recovering well post surgery. It also got revealed that Saif Ali Khan arrived at the hospital along with son Taimur Ali Khan. Niraj Uttamani, Chief Operating Officer of Lilavati Hospital revealed, “I was the first one to meet Saif Ali Khan when he came to the hospital. He was drenched in blood but he walked in like a lion with only his small kid, Taimur. Saif Ali Khan is a real hero…He is doing well.” Reportedly, the actor has been shifted from ICU to normal room.
Reportedly, Kareena Kapoor Khan has recorded her statement with Bandra Police as the investigation is on in this case. She reportedly claimed that the intruder was aggressive but didn’t steal any jewellery from her home.
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