Former eighties film star Yahoo Serious has slammed claims he is squatting in the beachside shack of a dementia patient in one of Sydney’s most exclusive suburbs.
A legal bid this week attempted to evict the star of 1988 hit Young Einstein from the Palm Beach home of Charles Phillip Porter, who is currently in a nursing home.
NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal heard Serious used to live in the granny flat beneath the ramshackle property among the millionaire mansions overlooking picturesque Pittwater in Sydney’s northern beaches.
The tribunal was told the owner had allowed Serious to move in after he was living rough in his ageing BMW sedan – but Serious took over the main home when Mr Porter moved out.
However the home now needs to be sold to pay for Mr Porter’s nursing home – and the tribunal was told Serious was refusing to leave.
On Tuesday, Serious could be seen inside the home behind a hand-written ‘No Entry’ sign, but the star hit back at the allegation and insisted he had done nothing wrong.
‘I don’t do things that are illegal and I never have,’ he told Daily Mail Australia. ‘The [professional] work I have done has proved that.’
Speaking to Daily Mail Australia from a nearby petrol station while collecting a newspaper and coffee he denied ever breaking the law
He says his lives with the legacy of being ‘defamed’
Mr Porter’s power of attorney, landlord Margaret Charlton, launched the legal action in a desperate effort to evict him to allow any prospective sale to go ahead.
The three-bedroom bungalow is set in more than a hectare of lush gardens in one of Australia’s most prime real estate areas, but went on the market for just $1.9million.
Details of the legal row came after Daily Mail Australia revealed disturbing images of Serious looking almost unrecognisable from his 80s and 90s heyday.
He spoke out at a nearby petrol station while picking up a coffee and a newspaper carrying details of the legal row, but dismissed suggestions he had broken any law.
‘When you have done something significant in your life then you become an easy target to sell papers,’ he added.
In an application filed to NCAT, Ms Charlton says if Mr Porter’s care is at risk if the property is unable to be sold.
‘Due to his diagnosis of dementia, Mr Porter has been placed in a nursing home, and I hold power of attorney for his affairs,’ she wrote.
‘The Public Trustee has instructed me to sell the property in order to fund Mr Porter’s ongoing care.
‘Failure to do so will result in his removal from his current care facility. as he is an elderly patient with dementia.’
The ramshackle cottage where Yahoo Serious is alleged to be squatting in Palm Beach
Yahoo Serious seen returning the Palm Beach property after running errands
He has erected a sign that says ‘No Entry’ to the front door to the property
The dilapidated home sits on the Pittwater side of Palm Beach
However, Mr Serious claimed he was not aware of any eviction or impeding tribunal.
‘There are a lot of problems with that house,’ he said. ‘I am not aware of anything, but the truth always comes out.’
‘I’m just a human who lives with the legacy of being defamed.’
As well as the Keep Out warning sign in the front door window, the dilapidated cottage also has a large chest blocking the entrance of the home.
Despite being seen in property Mr Serious refused to open the door only to later break his silence while approached while running errands.
He was once tipped to be Hollywood’s next big comedy stars for his 1988 cult hit Young Einstein and his 1993 hit Reckless Kelly only to fade into obscurity
Yahoo Serious shopping at organic green grocer Avalons Organics
After a few unsuccessful attempts to restart his career, in 2020 he was evicted from his Avalon rental property for failing to pay his rent.
Another NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal hearing at the time ordered him to pay his landlords $15,000 and vacate the property.
Serious and his production company, Serious Productions Pty Ltd, had begun renting the property in March 2017 for $1,350 per week
On Tuesday afternoon the unassuming star went about his business with his Jack Russell Terrier collecting groceries at his nearby Woolworths and later buying fruit from Avalons Organics.
It is understood he is currency receiving treatment for cancer.
He was once tipped to be Hollywood’s next big comedy stars after his 1988 cult hit Young Einstein but faded into obscurity after his 1993 film.Reckless Kelly.
He previously launched legal action against internet giant Yahoo in 2000 for copyright infringement.
Read the full article here