Actor Firoz Khan, known for imitating Amitabh Bachchan has reportedly passed away due to a heart attack. As per reports in India TV, the actor passed away in Uttar Pradesh’s Badaun on Thursday (May 23). Firoz’s friend confirmed the news on Instagram. Firoz was in Badaun for a while and used to make reels on social media. Well, his last performance was at the Voter Mahotsav at Badaun Club on May 4 wherein he dressed as Amitabh. Reportedly, Firoz’s burial will take place in Badaun.
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Firoz Khan dies of a heart attack
Durga Rahikwar who is known for imitating Shah Rukh Khan shared the news of Firoz’s death on social media as he wrote, ‘Aaj hamare beech Feroz Khan bhaijaan (Jr. Amitabh Bachchan) nahi rahe.’ He even shared an old picture of Firoz and Durga posing with comedian Kapil Sharma at a show.
A look at their picture
On the professional front, Firoz shot to fame on the TV show, Bhabi Ji Ghar Pe Hai and has worked in shows like Jija Ji Chhat Par Hai, Saheb Bibi Aur Boss, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan and Shaktimaan.
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