Saif Ali Khan faced a gruesome attack on January 16 when an intruder barged into his home in Bandra. The actor reportedly suffered several injuries as he tried to save his family. The intruder stabbed Saif Ali Khan six times before fleeing from the scene. The actor was then rushed to Lilavati Hospital where he received immediate attention. Saif Ali Khan underwent a surgery and reportedly a piece of knife was removed from his spinal cord.
Auto driver who took Saif Ali Khan to hospital recalls what happened on January 16
Now, a video of auto rickshaw driver who took Saif Ali Khan to Lilavati Hospital has gone viral on social media. Talking to NDTV, the auto driver revealed that he was near Saif Ali Khan’s building when he heard a woman shouting for rickshaw. He then stopped near the gate and helped the actor reached the hospital. Auto Driver named Rana was quoted saying, “I did not know he was Saif Ali Khan. It was an emergency. Even I was nervous about who is this passenger that is getting into my auto. I was worried that I might get into trouble. And that is why I was nervous.” He added that the actor was wearing a white kurta that was soaked in blood. A child and another man sat along with Saif Ali Khan and they drove toward Lilavati Hospital. It is only after they reached Lilavati Hospital that he realised that the man injured was Saif Ali Khan.
Earlier today, the doctors at Lilavati Hospital revealed that the actor was out of danger. The Chief Operating Officer shared that Saif Ali Khan walked-in along with his young son Taimur. He was drenched in blood but kept his calm. Saif Ali Khan was to be shifted from ICU to a special room today. A piece of knife was reportedly removed from his spinal cord through surgery. The picture of the knife has also gone viral on social media.
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