Samridhii Shukla and Rohit Purohit starrer Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is the longest running show on television. It has a huge fan following and the recent episodes have been full of twists and turns. We have seen that Abhira and Armaan’s marriage got into trouble after Vidya and Abhir’s incident. Abhira supported her brother who met with an accident because of Vidya and lost his legs. However, the Poddars kept defending Vidya despite it being her mistake. Armaan accused Abhira for ruining his family and putting his mother in the jail. However, it was Abhira who got Vidya out of the jail with the help of a minister.
However, Vidya came with a revengeful plan and asked Armaan to destroy Abhira’s life. Armaan has always wanted to prove that he is a good son and he trapped Abhira in a fraud case to get her law license canceled. This broke Abhira and she was left all alone.
Roop Kumar, Armaan and Abhira’s love triangle?
Abhira met Roop Kumar who motivated her to start her work again. He decided to help her get back and fight against Armaan Poddar. Abhira never liked Roop Kumar but she soon realised that he was always running behind money for his mother’s treatment.
In the upcoming episodes of Rajan Shahi’s Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, we will soon see Roop Kumar and Abhira working together. We will also see that Roop Kumar will taunt Armaan and slam him for spoiling Abhira’s life. We will also see that Armaan will get jealous seeing Abhira with Roop Kumar. Roop will also start feeling protective towards Abhira.
Armaan and Abhira will have a big argument about how love has destroyed their lives. They will be seen discussing about Abhir and Charu’s love story when this argument will take place. Soon, Roop will see this and enter in to protect Abhira. He will push Armaan away and hit him.
This will leave Armaan angry and Abhira will also rush in to stop the fight. We will see Roop Kumar getting possessive about Abhira. Is another love triangle loading?
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