Saif Ali Khan has been in the news since January 16. The actor was hospitalised after he got stabbed multiple times by an intruder. Reportedly, Saif Ali Khan got injured as he got into a scuffle with the intruder while trying to save his family. The actor was rushed to Lilavati Hospital in an auto rickshaw. He underwent a surgery to remove a piece of knife stuck in his body. Now, the actor is back home and recuperating. The actor’s medical reports have come to fore and the admission time has drawn everyone’s attention.
As per reports, Saif Ali Khan was attacked around 2.30 am on January 16. However, the admission time mentioned in the report is 4.11 am. While the Lilavati Hospital is just 10 to 15 mins away from Saif Ali Khan’s home, it took him around 1 hour and 41 minutes to be in the hospital. His manager and friend Afsar Zaidi’s name is also mentioned in the report. The report states that Afsar Zaidi took Saif Ali Khan to the hospital and got him admitted, as reported by IANS. The report also revealed “The injuries range from 0.5 cm to 15 cm in size. On the night of the attack, Saif’s friend Afsar Zaidi took him to Lilavati Hospital at 4:11 AM and completed the formalities.”
#BREAKING: Actor Saif Ali Khan sustained injuries in five places, including his back, wrist, neck, shoulder, and elbow, as per his medical report. The injuries range from 0.5 cm to 15 cm in size. On the night of the attack, Saif’s friend Afsar Zaidi took him to Lilavati Hospital…
— IANS (@ians_india) January 23, 2025
Earlier, there were reports stating that it was son Ibrahim Ali Khan who took Saif Ali Khan to the hospital. However, the actors during the press conference confirmed that Saif walked-in with his little son Taimur Ali Khan. The actor reportedly sustained injuries to his back, neck, and shoulder.
Saif Ali Khan is now back home and is spending time with his family. The actor also met the auto driver who took him to the hospital. The pictures of Saif smiling alongside the auto driver also went viral.
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