This Bollywood actor managed to win millions of hearts with his performance in Aashiqui and at the age of 24 he became one of the most sought-after actors in the Hindi film industry. His charming and handsome looks made females go weak in the knees in the 90s. His film’s soundtrack including Dheere Dheere, Nazar Ke Saamne, Bas Ek Sanam Chaahiye, and Jaane Jigar Jaaneman became the anthem for the youth. Can you guess who it is?
We are talking about Rahul Roy who gained immense popularity after Aashiqui. He reportedly signed 47 films in just 11 days including Ghazab Tamasha, Sapne Sajan Ke, Phir Teri Kahani Yaad Aayee, and Naseeb. But, unfortunately, the films were not able to recreate the success of Aashiqui. The main reason behind his rapid downfall could be the audience’s expectations were quite high from him. Within no time, the over-saturation of his presence on the big screens led to a decline in his career. Rahul was one of the celebs who faded from the limelight and his stardom diminished from the industry.
He then tried to revive his acting career and appeared in the first season of the controversial reality show Bigg Boss in 2006. The show was hosted by Arshad Warsi and Rahul won the show. In 2020, Rahul suffered a heart attack followed by a brain stroke and underwent angiography. He even faced financial troubles due to the medical bills. Rahul revealed that Bollywood superstar Salman Khan paid his bills. Rahul’s worsening health took a toll on his mental health and he continued to face difficulties. In 2023, Rahul made a long-awaited comeback with the film Agra which premiered at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival. His film managed to receive love and appreciation from the public and Rahul also received international level success. The film is still awaiting its theatrical release in India. In an interview, Rahul shared how he and Mahesh Bhatt had once gone to Metro Cinema after the release of Aashiqui and fans had greeted him. He said, ‘After Aashiqui’s release, I was bigger than the three Khans’.
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