Popular television actress Mahira Sharma managed to turn heads with her beautiful look as she walked the red carpet at a recent event amid swirling rumours about her alleged affair with cricketer Mohammed Siraj. Mahira who participated in Bigg Boss season 13 dazzled in a striking black saree with shimmering metallic hues and completed her look with a sheer blouse featuring intricate lace details. Mahira complemented her look with hair styled in soft waves and minimal makeup. We must say she oozes oomph and we can’t take our eyes off her.
Watch Mahira Sharma’s video
Mahira’s appearance comes a day after reports of her romantic involvement with cricketer Siraj went viral on social media. An insider close to the alleged couple reportedly told ETimes that the two are dating and getting to know each other. Neither Mahira nor Siraj has confirmed these speculations.
Mahira’s mother, Saniya Sharma has denied the dating rumours, she told Times Now that the reports are completely false. She further criticized those spreading baseless stories about her daughter. She said, “People say anything. Now that my daughter is a celebrity, people will link her name with anyone, so should we believe them?”
Mahira had previously dated actor Paras Chhabra after they met inside the Bigg Boss 13 house. They parted ways in 2023 and unfollowed each other on social media. Paras later confirmed their breakup and said that they’d fight over petty issues. He told ETimes, ‘Aisi fights toh hamari hamesha hoti rahi hain’. These dating rumours were put to rest when Zanai clarified on social media that Siraj was like her dear brother and he called her ‘sister’.
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