Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin has been in the news. The show has been getting all the love. The show began in 2020 and has been amongst the top two shows on the TRP charts. But, recently, the numbers have gone down. The makers tried to add in spice in the story. But nothing has been working. Bhavika Sharma and Hitesh Bharadwaj play the lead roles in the show. The story of Savi and Rajat has been loved but now some things are not working well it seems. Hence, the makers decided to have a leap in the show. After the leap, the lead couple will leave and we will have a completely new story.
Viral photos of new leading jodi of GHKPM
A lot has been said about the new story. The news about many TV stars approached have come out. Sanam Johar has been approached for the lead role. He recently confirmed the same and said that things are yet to be finalised for him. Apart from him, there have been reports that Sai Ketan Rao, Zaan Khan, Vaibhavi Hankare have also been offered the show.
However, nothing has been said yet. Now, a few pictures have been leaked from the sets of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin. The BTS picture of Vaibhavi and Sanam has gone viral. Looks like they have been finalised as the lead pair. Vaibhavi is seen in a blue dress while Sanam is in a white tshirt with spectacles.
Take a look at the VIRAL photo here:
Recently, Bhavika and Hitesh confirmed that they will be leaving and the show will take a leap. They have not been given the date of their last day yet. But, as per reports, they will shoot for their last episode on January 25. Both have thanked their fans for loving them as Savi and Rajat.
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